Antyeshti or Funeral Ceremony |
The following liturgy for the Antyehsti or Funeral Ceremony has been taken from the Manual of Brahmo Rituals and Devotions by Sitanath Tattwabhushan. The book was first published in 1924 with its second edition in 1971 by the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. The language is archaeic and can be suitably modified keeping in mind with the occassion and times.
When the dead body has been cleansed and dressed in neat clothing, it is placed on a bier and covered with a new sheet. Scented water is also sprinkled and flowers scattered over ii. A relative or friend of the deceased or a minister then offers a short prayer in the following spirit:
"O thou Soul of our souls, thou abode of immortal spirits, in thy inscrutable wisdom thou hast taken away this dear one from us. The mortal body is reduced to cold clay, but the immortal soul lives in thee now as ever. Ids in thy loving arms in the world beyond - as it was here on earth. Do thou lead it to higher and higher worlds, to deeper and deeper communion with thee. There is a deep sorrow in and around us. Reveal thy loving face to these stricken souls, touch them with thy loving hands and give them peace and consolation in thee. May thy will be done, in life and death, in union and bereavement, in joy and sorrow!"
The body is then carried to the crematorium or cemetery, the mourners and friends accompanying it and chanting texts like Brahma Kripa hi Kevalam and Jay jay Sachchidananda Hare. All along the way and, if possible, singing suitable hymns.
When the dead body is placed on the pyre, or the coffin with the body is ready for being lowered into the grave, a relative, friend or minister prays:
"O Lord, in thy name we consign the mortal to ashes (or dust ),but the immortal lives in thee. Prosper the departed soul in its voyage heavenward and let his or her blessed memory live amongst us and join our souls to the next world."
In case of cremations, the ashes are sometimes collected in an urn and afterwards deposited in a suitable place and a memorial erected over them.
The period of mourning extends from one week to one month according either to the varying depth of feeling or deference to family traditions. The form also varies according to, different tastes and local customs. Family prayer, with special reference to the departed soul, is usually offered daily until the day fixed for the Sraddha (Requiem) ceremony. |